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How to break the script relationships that make us suffer?

Stories vary, but the essence remains the same - the hero or heroine of the next novel not make our lives any happier or more stable, but are force


6 pitfalls that threat your marriage

The root of any family problems is considered to be communication problems between husband and wife.


Porn movies for strong relationship. Part two

For some couples joint watching of porn can be a way to find harmony in sex. For example, someone might be embarrassed to share their fantasies.

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Porn movies for strong relationship

Now, many people and specialists insist that viewing porn films is to strengthen relations in the pair. Is it so?

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New type of guys in social networks

If he likes all your photos on social networks, but in no hurry to make an appointment, probably that new guy is a fluffer.

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In long-term relationships desire fades away?

Not always. Is it possible to maintain passion or to regain former pleasure?

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