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New type of guys in social networks

If he likes all your photos on social networks, but in no hurry to make an appointment, probably that new guy is a fluffer. How the term of the porn industry sneaked into our lives, - tells Elizabeth:

“One day my girlfriend fell in love with a boy from a photo. The good news was that it was not some made-up boy of the magazine, but completely real, from Facebook. Of course, she immediately stepped on the slippery slope - beginning liking his pictures and leaving funny comments in the hope to see him soon in real life. He liked in response, posted flowers emojis under her photos, but the actual meeting still had not been appointed.

Then, in a private conversation in the kitchen, we came to the conclusion that the perfect man cannot have an account in social networks at all - so you do not have to scroll through photos on his profile endlessly, considering all the girls, and comparing themselves with them, to keep track of all his check-ins and dream and wish that he wrote in the messenger. Lack of account also means that he does not make selfies, does not photographs his food and during your meetings does not open facebook secretly to see how many likes gained the picture of his dog. To sum it all up, he lives a real life, and gives you plenty of time... Another thing is that today only the employee of some base at the North Pole doesn`t have an account in social networks. Although... certainly does... he and his base both.

Recently the similar story happened to me. At the party I saw a guy who seemed pretty and decent and to add him as a friend on facebook. And then it began! He had liking all my photos, writing comments on all the latest posts and sent emojis in a personal mail.

Of course, I was inspired. In my dreams I was wearing a beautiful dress and heels and i was sitting next to him at dinner in some trendy place. He stared into my eyes, and then we went to him to have an awesome sex. But in reality there were only likes, which did not bring me to the goal a single centimeter closer. “The goal” in this case means - to get this man into reality.

I tried to start a facebook-neutral conversation, during which he even hinted that do not mind to go with me anywhere. But here I completely lost landmarks: he said one thing, but behaved quite differently - as if it was some kind of game, the rules of which I did not know…”

A bit of theory: in the porn industry there are specially trained people whose deal is to maintain an erection of the main character in between takes. They called fluffers. The heated interest without any actions – understand? “Fluffer-behavior” unfortunately has a lot of fairly deep psychological reasons, and if you want to deal with it, then you should be patient. Learn more with our omegle alternative chat blog.