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Porn movies for strong relationship

Now, many people and specialists insist that viewing porn films is to strengthen relations in the pair. Is it so? It all depends on the goals and desires of the two.

Women's interest

It is believed that viewing pornography - male occupation.

"Visual stimulus in sex is more important for men than for women," - explain sexologists and psychotherapists. But the situation is changing, and this is due not so much to changes in human nature, but with the technological advances.

Previously you could purchase pornographic materials only in specific places, often in areas with a dubious reputation. The appearance of women there was not only reprehensible, but also unsafe. Today, to download porn-movie is enough to have a smartphone and the 3G-connection. And women are more willing to experiment: polls show that they watch porn very active. And at least a third of the respondents watch it (at least sometimes), together with a partner.

This is a relatively recent trend, and experts are not yet ready to speak clearly about its consequences. "I do not know how useful is porn for couples. It's definitely not a mandatory component of the sexual life, but it is not the violation, - says therapist Anne Lagarde. - This topic has been actively appeared in my talking with clients only recently. You have to wait to see what will be the results. "Family therapist Kelly Geller agrees : "We don`t know, how watching porn affect the couple. But it is important to understand why and how the partners watch "hot" video."
Subjects and objects

The situation when the wife finds her husband watching pornography, as anecdotal as it is vital, and any therapist (or divorce lawyer) will confirm it. At the same time men are puzzled over the rapid perturbation of their partners - it's not cheating, think of it! Just some pictures! Some men says the same about omegle video chat.

However, women's reaction is understandable and justified. For women, no matter on what object man`s attention directs, if it is not direct on her. Being in intimate relationship (if it is not about one night sex), we do not have sex with the body, but with the person. And when the partner does not get turned on, and the other (person or thing) does, there is a depersonalization. And the woman feels herself like only the object of the implementation of sexual impulses, which are caused by someone/something else, not by her.

Is depersonalization excluded by the joint watching of porn? Hardly. Often one of the partners is involved in these screenings of a desire to please the other, not by own choice.

"For example, one of the two is excited by porn, and watches is with this purpose. And he wants to have a partner near to “start up the excitement in the business” immediately - says Kelly Geller. - The other one is not excited, but agrees with his partner, perhaps neglecting his own needs for the sake of another's pleasure. But if in the pair the same partner constantly gives way to another, it will inevitably lead to a deterioration of relations. "