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Why are we going back to the ex’s?

After quarrels and separations it takes some time to realize all the mistakes and errors. Loving people weigh the pros and cons, and they have several options for how to proceed: to live alone at first, until there is someone to find a replacement, make peace with the former or the former, and return the old relationship. You can also learn more with our omegle blog!

We're going back to the former because they are the people with whom we have lived together, we know them, we know theirs positive and negative aspects, are used to them, we even after parting with them is a feeling that can last for years. Even after the most powerful quarrels takes some time, and after a time we forgive, and sometimes even remember that it was not as bad as it looked in reality. It comes the understanding that all in fact you can recover and meet again.

Remain the same feelings. Emotion - the strongest reason why we return to the former. We can find a replacement for the girl or guy, but in his heart does not love her, or him, continuing to love the former, or the former.

The desire to restore the relationship. After parting, after a while we realize that the relationships that have been - though not ideal, but that relationship does not happen without quarrels. We have a desire to restore the relationship after breaking up again and we want to go back to the former.

Habit. Later, even we cannot forget our past. They connected a lot in our memory, and memory is constantly alas returns our attention to the past and we just cannot part with it. In all the meetings we get used to the people and this habit has been laid so itself as a rise in the morning to brush your teeth.

He or she was better. You have to compare and even if you started with someone dating after breaking up, you may have noticed that this new person in your life is not the same or not the same. Then comes the time when all is weighed and compared, the desire to bring back the old relationship becomes stronger.

And at the end of a phrase that I liked from the movie: "Benjamin, we are created in order to save their loved ones. Otherwise, how will we know who is really important to us? "